The Foundation plans to:
• Promote social equity throughout the City of San Diego Parks system through investments in older neighborhoods with extensive deferred maintenance and poor programmatic funding streams
• Find and generate strategic resources to establish a pipeline for both financial and volunteer resources
• Create Citywide partnerships to cooperate on innovative projects throughout the Parks system
• Organize, promote and coordinate volunteer activities and fundraising to support neighborhood parks
• Stimulate public interest in parks and recreation, in the preservation of park and recreation facilities, in citizen education about the value of quality park and recreation activities, and in the promotion of healthy living in our communities
• Disseminate information concerning Department activities and interests through social media and other means not supported by the City budget process
SDPF will generate funding by:
• Creating a vehicle for public donations free from absorption by the City’s General Fund:
• Accepting unrestricted public donations
• Being a repository for legacy gifts from citizens having a passion for the health of our Park system
• Receiving restricted public donations to specific parks or projects deemed consistent with our mission
• Generating corporate and family foundation support through grant applications
• Hosting the Undertow Golf tournament held at Torrey Pines Golf Course each February
• Establishing a tribute plaque program for benches, picnic tables, etc.
• Partnering with other organizations to support mutually desirable outcomes such as a tree canopies, canyon improvements, garden clubs, athletic clubs, etc.
•. The Foundation Board will fund projects and programs recommended or supported by the Department. It welcomes suggestions from citizens interested in helping build better parks and recreation facilities, open space, and programs.
•. The SDPF’s Board of Directors plan first to provide funding to unfunded Department projects and programs and eventually will consider applications by, or partnerships with, other 501(c)(3)s which promote projects within the purview of the Department’s responsibilities.
Please visit https://sandiegoparksfoundation.org
• Volunteer tab with the City of San Diego Parks system
• Volunteer with the SDPF
• Our tax ID number is 83-2553368 and our mailing address is 1180 Rosecrans Street #517 San Diego, CA 92106; all donations will be acknowledged and are full tax deductible